Behind the Desk

We’ll Get Your Bags!

The Outdoor Adventures Rental Center makes nature getaways accessible for the B/CS community.

Story by Mason Kautz

Tucked away between the outdoor volleyball courts and the south entrance of the Student Rec Center lies the Outdoor Adventures Rental Center, a quaint suite decorated with headlamps, ponchos, and other staples of life al fresco. Guides and books are collected neatly within an old wooden shelf for any curious explorer-to-be, and the Texan sun peeks through the center’s blinds to reveal the photographed memories of journeys into the wild. A large, experienced map stands proudly within the center’s seating area, regaling all who wish to gaze upon it the stories of the ambitious treks across the United States.

But this describes only half the Rental Center, for its garage is the grand storeroom and workshop frequented by visiting vehicles and busy staff. The garage has all you could need for an expedition into the great outdoors: canoes, tents, surfboards, sleeping bags, kayaks, the works. It is the place of silent work before each adventure, where staff ensure all requested items are prepared and delivered accordingly. These everyday efforts allow the Rental Center to run, and the welcome of each customer encourages a heartfelt relationship described best by service to a friend.

“We exist to provide gear and equip people so they can go outdoors and kind of have these outdoor experiences and not have the obstacle of gear,” Ansley Thompson, the Rental Center supervisor said.

The Rental Center is an inclusive space that serves the entire Bryan/College Station community, not just the students of Texas A&M University. With a clientele beyond the student body, Outdoor Adventures staff hope to encourage any novice, hobbyist, or enthusiast to step out of their comfort zone and into the great outdoors.

“We’re pumped that you’re getting into this and interested in something that we’re also interested in,” Thompson said. “We want to invite people into this community we already have.”

A perhaps unsung benefit to the Rental Center is its natural, relaxed atmosphere. The Rental Center breaks beyond a traditional corporate approach to outdoor life through the authenticity of each person’s experience. There’s no scripted presentation; there is only the intimate and welcoming atmosphere of a mutual enjoyment of the outdoors. Even the business strategy itself encourages the development of a relationship between clients and staff; where other businesses prioritize purchases and sales, the Rental Center shares equipment, cares for it before and after each adventure, and teaches the proper function of gear in aggregate.

“When you come in, you’re gonna get the authentic person that you’re working with, especially in their language and how they talk,” Thompson said, “and that’s something I really love. There is not a certain script, but people are genuinely themselves.”

The Outdoor Adventures Rental Center is open Thursday through Monday, so you can visit the Student Rec Center and learn about utilizing gear for your next outing!